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St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
To reflect God's love to all whom we meet, to strengthen our faith community though worship, education, fellowship, stewardship and acts of love and charity so that we may lead people from all backgrounds to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Altar Servers
Steve Lee. 305-915-5048. Our parish is blessed by a faithful group of Altar Servers who assist the priest and other ministers during Mass; they help facilitate the celebration of the whole community. Open to boys and girls in 4th grade or older who have received their First Communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Some men and women in the parish share in the responsibility for the care and distribution of the Holy Eucharist. If you feel called, please contact rectory for training.
Footprints of Faith, Liturgical Dance Ministry
Betty Bunnell, 754-281-7792
Jackie Benjamin, 786-663-0052
Practice Fridays at 7:00 PM in the school
Ron Brown at 954-962-4923/954-431-3600. Through the lectors, men and women who read the Scriptures at Mass, God's living word continues to be proclaimed to his people. Lectors are called not only to proclaim the Word, but also to grow in their knowledge and love of God's living word as well
Music Minitry
The Adult English Choir, led by Betty Bunnell, rehearses Thursday at 7:30 PM in the church and sings at the 11 AM Sunday Mass.
The Spanish Choir, ;ed by Rodolfo Gramcko, rehearses Sunday at 4:00 PM in the school music room and sings at the 5 PM Sunday liturgy.
The Haitian Choir, led by Monique Abraham, rehearses on Saturdays at 5:30 PM in the school and sings at the 3 PM Sunday Mass.
Our Contemporary Music Ministry plays at the 7 PM Mass on Sunday and rehearses periodically after that same Mass.
If you have any questions or wish to join any part of our music ministry, singing or playing an instrument, simply speak to the musicians at the mass you regularly attend.
Ushers & Greeters
These men and women demonstrate our parish hospitality as they welcome our worshipers and facilitate smooth running of services. All that it takes is a little extra time on Sundays and Holy days, and a lot of dedication to be here faithfully.
many thanks to all our ushers and to those who help the ushers when needed. Please call the rectory if you would like to serve as an usher.
Get Involved
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM, in the Rectory Chapel,. During these hours the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. This setting provides time for quiet prayer and meditation. Parishioners are encouraged to sign up for a regular weekly hour of adoration. A commitment of an hour a week is an excellent way to say "Thank You Jesus". Please schedule a holy hour or Adoration into your week or stop by anytime during Chapel hours for a short visit.
Anibal Perez (Spanish), 786-300-9415
Rema Williams (English), 954-431-3600
Meets Fridays, 8 PM in the School.
Legion of Mary
The legion meets to foster devotion to Mary as well as apostolic service. through prayer and personal witness they share their faith. English: Sunday, 12:30 Pm in School meeting room B. French/Creole: Thursdays, 7:30 PM in School meeting rooms A 7 B. Spanish: Saturday, 2:30 PM, in School meeting room.
Prayer Communities/Charismatic Prayer
Our prayer communities bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the praise and worship; teaching on the Catholic faith and Christian spirituality; sharing what the lord is doing to change our lives and prayer and intercession for others. We also sponsor: Life in the Spirit Seminars, Healing Services, Evenings of Praise and Evangelism, Gospel Concerts and Teaching Seminars.
Different communities that reflect our cultural diversity:
English: Every Wednesday, 7:30 PM in the Church
Contact: Jim & Mary Horvath, 954-962-4313
Spanish: Wednesdays, 7:30 PM, Sacred Heart Center
Contact: Mercedes Brown, 954-431-3600
French/Creole: Friday, 7:30 PM, School room B
Contact: Rectory, 954-431-3600
Ministry to the Sick
Noreen Smith, 954-431-3600
Jesus spent much of his ministry demonstrating God's love for those who needed healing in the body, mind, soul and spirit. As risen Lord he continued his ministry through the Church. We visit sick members of the parish family, the home-bound, in nursing homes and in hospitals. Every week the sick can receive Holy Communion brought to them wherever they are.
Knight of Columbus
Tracy King, 954-431-3600
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic gentlemen, ages 18 to 100 (and beyond), who are dedicated to serving Christ, his Church and the community. Our local council, Holy Spirit Council 6032, is part of 1.8 Million members worldwide and meets in the Parish Hall at 7:30 PM on the 1st Thursday of each month for their business meeting and on the 3rd Monday of each month for their social meetings of the Knights and their families.
Gift Shop
The Parish Gift Shop is usually open after Sunday Masses and makes available a variety of spiritual items, books and gifts. There is a small case of religious items, books and gifts in the Rectory which is available anytime the office is open. The gift shop is staffed by volunteers; if you are interested in helping out, please contact the Rectory.
Homeless Minitry
Pierre St-Vil, 954-856-6914
Our Ministry to the Homeless reaches out to these most marginalized brothers and sisters particularly in our Sunday feeding program. We feed about 150 people each Sunday, 3 Sundays a month. Church volunteers, children, teens and adults, help cook, clean, transport an serve the food.
Faith Formation
Religious Education
Mercedes Brown, 954-431-3600
A wide variety of religious programs assist the spiritual and the moral development of our young parishioners who attend public schools. beginning with classes in per-kindergarten (4 years old) and continuing through high school, students not only learn their Catholic Christian heritage but are also led to develop a personal relationship with Christ and a commitment to his gospel's moral principles. they develop an understanding of the Scriptures, the meaning of the Sacraments and the richness of the Catholic tradition. At various stages of their religious development, students prepare for the celebration of First Penance, First Communion and, Confirmation. Classes start in August and run through Easter.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Steve Lee, 954-431-3600
For all those interested in becoming Catholic and for adult Catholics who have never been confirmed. regular sessions are held every Tuesday (September through Easter) until reception of Sacraments.
Welcome Committee
We are looking for parishioners to help us establish a new welcome committee to greet and assist newly registered parishioners. Please bring your enthusiasm and your love of God's to support this important ministry. We need a mix of people who speak English, Spanish, Creole, French who are currently members of the parish to conduct follow up contact.
Council of Catholic Women
Maria Walker, 305-479-0148
Formely knowns as the Women's Club, is involved in a variety of social, spiritual and service oriented projects that benefit the parish and the community at-large. They are affiliated with the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. The women of our parish meet on a monthly basis in the Parish Hall for a business meeting, social and refreshments.
Catholic Scouting
Lisa Cook, 954-298-3765
Scouting provides activities designed to build character, physical fitness, practical skills and, service to God and your community. For boys and girls of all ages. We continue to meet on-line throughout 2020.
Respect life Ministry
The "unborn" and the "born" have equal rights to LIFE. We need you to protect that LIFE. Join our Respect Life Ministry or contact Hollywood Respect Life Office at 954-963-2229.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
SVDP Duty Phone, 954-235-2315
Our parish Saint Vincent de Paucl Society ministers to the poor and needy of our community. This society is our parish's way of reaching out to help in the name of Christ. They regularly collect and distribute canned goods; please drop off non-perishable food to the drop box at the entrance of the Church or at the Rectory. To volunteer to help in this ministry or for assistance call the duty phone.
Support Groups
Special Support Groups
Nueva Vida - English - Thursdays, 7:30 PM,
in the School.
AA - English Alcoholics Anonymous - Wednesdays, 8 PM, School.
Al-anon - Spanish - Mondays, 8 PM, School.
Al-Anon - English - Saturday 7:30 PM, School.
NA- NArcotics Anonymous - Saturdays, 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM, in the School.
Nueva Vida - Ministry for Drug and Alcohol Problems
Deacon David Bowen, 786-280-5841
Does someone you love struggle with abuse and addiction? Have you tried talking, pleading and, trying to control every move they make? God's healing begins with you and spreads throughout the family. Join others in seeking deliverance every Thursday night, 7:30 PM, at St Bartholomew School for spiritual guidance, prayer and worship.
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